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Trump as fascist – Google Search……

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The Abwehr’s Revenge… #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Trump #TrumpNews #TrumpISTAN #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers

Selected Articles… The Abwehr’s Revenge: It can happen in America too! Donald Trump tries to turn the DOJ into the Department Of INJUSTICE, while ascribing this move to his predecessors and the political opponents. This is his customary and typical style, borrowed from…

Selected Articles

The Abwehr’s Revenge: It can happen in America too! Donald Trump tries to turn the DOJ into the Department Of INJUSTICE, while ascribing this move to his predecessors and the political opponents. This is his customary and typical style, borrowed from Goebbels: “Blame your enemies for what you are guilty of!” It is the same style that Putin practices: “Turn the tables on them!” They learned from the same sources. They mistook the poison for its cure.’s_description

The Abwehr’s Revenge: It can happen in America too!
Donald Trump tries to turn the DOJ into the Department Of INJUSTICE, while ascribing this move to his predecessors and the political opponents.
This is his customary and typical style, borrowed from Goebbels: “Blame your enemies for what you are guilty of!” It is the same style that Putin practices: “Turn the tables on them!”
They learned from the same sources. They mistook the poison for its cure.

RT by @mikenov: Russia launches deadly airstrike on Kherson, killing one and injuring three. Residential buildings and civilian infrastructure have been destroyed in the attack.

Selected Articles

The Abwehr’s Revenge: It can happen in America too!… Donald Trump tries to turn the DOJ into the Department Of INJUSTICE, while ascribing this move to his predecessors and the political opponents. This is his customary and typical style, borrowed from…

Selected Articles… Donald Trump tries to turn the DOJ into the Department Of INJUSTICE, while ascribing this move to his predecessors and the political opponents. This is his customary and typical style, borrowed from Goebbels: “Blame your enemies for what you are guilty…

Selected Articles

ISIS second-in-command killed in U.S. airstrike with Iraqi aid

President Trump declared “PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH” and praised U.S. forces as “intrepid warfighters.”
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RT by @mikenov: Павлу Дурову разрешили покинуть Францию, он отправился в Дубай утром 15 марта, пишет агентство AFP со ссылкой на источник. Другой собеседник агентства уточнил, что судья по делу Дурова разрешил ему уехать только на “несколько недель”. Во Франции Дурову предъявлены обвинения в…

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RT by @mikenov: Russia launches deadly airstrike on Kherson, killing one and injuring three. Residential buildings and civilian infrastructure have been destroyed in the attack.

Selected Articles

RT by @mikenov: “Just one move — the plan to shrink the Internal Revenue Service’s staff by up to 50 percent — would, very conservatively, lead to a $400 billion increase in uncollected taxes over the next decade.” From @NatashaRSarin: